Our culture

At Intella, we are pioneering the future with our innovative solutions in software and space.

Our strength lies not just in our technology, but in the diverse perspectives our team members bring to the table.

Our core values and expectations ensure an environment where innovation thrives.

Embracing Diversity

We believe diversity is the cornerstone of innovation.

Different perspectives fuel creativity and lead to the development of groundbreaking solutions.

We are committed to building an inclusive workplace where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs.

Flexibility and Remote Work

Recognizing the changing dynamics of work, we embrace flexibility in our operations.

Our team is global, and we support remote work to ensure you can contribute your best, no matter where you are.

We value face-to-face interactions and encourage them as they contribute to our team members’ success. We also embrace a modern fusion of remote work, in-person engagements, and the life balance that this flexibility promotes.

Ownership and Initiative

Ownership at Intella means more than just completing tasks. It's about taking initiative and being proactive in proposing solutions and ideas.

We empower our team members to take charge of their work, encouraging innovation and the pursuit of excellence in every project.

The Power of Challenge

We thrive on challenges and believe that the best ideas emerge from healthy, respectful, and critical engagement.

Our culture encourages open dialogue and debate, ensuring all ideas are considered irrespective of their source.

Coupled with active recognition of team members’ contributions, we drive innovation and a sense of collective achievement.

Prioritizing Products and Customers

Our mission is to deliver unparalleled value to our customers through superior products and support.

This customer-centric approach guides our work, demanding we stay at the forefront of technology and innovation.

Every decision we make is aimed at enhancing our product offerings and enriching our customers' experience.

Commitment to Scientific Thinking

The scientific method and lively curiosity underpins our approach to problem-solving.

We make decisions based on rigorous analysis, solid data, and continuous experimentation to develop reliable, effective, and innovative solutions.

Zero Tolerance for Violence and Harassment

We are steadfast in our commitment to creating a safe and respectful work environment.

Any form of violence or harassment, whether verbal, physical, or otherwise, is not tolerated.

We believe in constructive dialogue and the power of collaboration to resolve conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Just us

At Intella, you're part of a team that's shaping the future.

Our work policy reflects our values and the high standards to which we hold ourselves.

Together, we'll continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, creating technologies that make a difference in the world.